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For Job Seekers

What Is a Staffing Firm and How Does it Work?

Discover how staffing agencies work, the benefits they offer and why partnering with them can be a game-changer in today's job market.

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September 24, 2024


Finding the right match in today’s job market can be challenging for both employers and job seekers. Staffing agencies make it easier to connect the right people with the right jobs.

But what exactly is a staffing firm, and how does it work? Let’s take a closer look at staffing agencies—how they’ve grown, the different types and the benefits they offer to both employers and job seekers.

What Exactly Is a Staffing Agency? Breaking It Down

So, what is a staffing agency? Sometimes called an employment agency or recruitment agency (these terms are used interchangeably, and mean the same thing), it’s an organization that acts as a link between employers who need to hire and job seekers who want the right job. These agencies focus on matching candidates with jobs that suit their skills, experience and career goals. And today, staffing agencies have evolved to offer much more than just a recruitment service.

Staffing agencies work by understanding employers' needs, and then finding candidates who fit those requirements. They manage the entire hiring process—from sourcing and screening candidates to setting up interviews and handling contracts. This lets employers focus on their main business while job seekers access a wider range of job opportunities, including those not publicly posted.

The Evolution of Staffing Agencies: From Temp Work to Talent Powerhouses

Staffing agencies have existed since the early 20th century. They initially helped businesses manage temporary labour needs during peak seasons or employee absences. Over time, they expanded their services as the job market became more complex.

From providing temporary workers in the past, to offering permanent placements today, recruitment agencies have expanded their service offering tremendously. They play a much broader role today by offering services such as contract staffing and even executive searches. 

Modern staffing agencies use advanced technology and data to match candidates with the right jobs, making them key partners for businesses in a fast-moving global economy.

Types of Staffing Agencies: The Different Faces of Staffing

Not all recruitment agencies are the same, and understanding the differences can help you choose the right one for your needs. Some agencies, like Altis Recruitment, offers all these services:

  • Temporary Staffing Agencies: They provide skilled workers for short-term assignments, offering businesses the same level of expertise and talent as permanent hires, which is ideal for meeting seasonal needs or temporary staffing demands. For job seekers, temp work offers flexibility and a chance to gain experience in various industries.
  • Permanent Staffing Agencies: These agencies specialize in filling long-term positions and work closely with employers to find candidates who are not only skilled, but also fit well with the company culture and motivated to make a long-term impact.
  • Specialized Staffing Agencies: Focused on specific industries or job functions (such as IT, healthcare or finance), these agencies provide highly skilled candidates who meet specialized requirements. They give employers access to top talent and help job seekers connect with recruiters who understand their field.
  • Executive Search Firms: Also known as headhunters, these firms focus on finding senior-level executives. They conduct extensive searches and tap into networks of high-calibre professionals to fill critical leadership roles.

Choosing the right staffing agency depends on your specific needs, whether you're hiring or looking for a job. Some agencies offer a one-stop shop, providing a full range of services for both job seekers and employers across various industries.

Behind the Scenes: The Mechanics of Staffing Success

The most successful employment agencies excel at matching employers with suitable candidates by managing every step of the hiring process:

  • Recruitment: These agencies actively seek candidates through various channels, such as job boards, social media and their own databases. They may also reach out to people who aren’t actively job hunting but might be open to new opportunities.
  • Screening: They thoroughly screen candidates through interviews, background checks and skills assessments to ensure only the most qualified ones are presented to employers.
  • Placement: Once candidates are screened, agencies match them with job openings that suit their skills and experience. At Altis Recruitment, we also encourage candidates to participate actively in their job search by applying directly to specific job postings on our site. We then interview them to assess their suitability for the role.
  • Ongoing Support: Many agencies continue to support both the employer and employee after placement by offering guidance on onboarding and advice on health and safety, managing payroll and addressing any issues that arise.

This behind-the-scenes work sets staffing firms apart and makes them valuable partners in the hiring process.

Why Partnering with Staffing Firms Makes Sense for Businesses

For businesses, partnering with a staffing firm offers several key benefits:

  • Time-Saving: Staffing firms handle the time-consuming work of recruiting, screening and interviewing, so businesses can focus on their main tasks.
  • Access to Top Talent: The top staffing agencies have deep candidate pools and extensive networks, allowing them to quickly find top talent with specialized skills, even in competitive industries. This access gives businesses the confidence that they are making the best hiring decisions.
  • Expertise in Job Market Trends: They understand job market trends and know how to attract the best candidates. This expertise helps businesses make informed and successful hires that contribute to long-term success.
  • Flexibility: Whether you need temporary, contract or permanent staff, many agencies can offer tailored solutions.
  • Reduced Risk: They help reduce the risk of bad hires by carefully screening candidates and verifying skills, experience, credentials and education—saving businesses time and money.

Your Career Allies: How Staffing Agencies Empower Job Hunters

For job seekers, employment agencies offer more than just job placements—they provide valuable career support, all at no cost. Candidates do not pay for the services of recruitment firms like Altis:

  • Job Access: Agencies often know about job openings that aren’t publicly posted, giving job seekers an advantage over their competitors.
  • Career Guidance: Many agencies offer career advice, resumé help and interview preparation tips to boost job seekers' confidence during their search.
  • Skill Development: Some agencies provide training and development programs, helping candidates enhance their skills and increase their employability.
  • Support Throughout the Process: From application to salary negotiation and placement, they provide guidance and support—making the job search less stressful and more successful.

Conclusion: Making the Most of Staffing Services

Employment firms play a key role in today’s job market, offering valuable services to both employers and job seekers. Whether you need to fill an important role or find your next job, partnering with a staffing agency can give you the support and resources you need to succeed.

For businesses, staffing firms offer efficient, flexible and low-risk solutions to workforce management. For job seekers, they provide access to job opportunities, career guidance and support, which can make a big difference in finding the right match in a competitive job market. Contact us to boost your team with top-tier talent or take your career to the next level.

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